Time For Some Cinema Therapy

Art reflects life, and so the living can learn through art. As a storyteller, I’m always delighted to see this premise explored! Enter Cinema Therapy, a YouTube channel featuring a therapist and a filmmaker as they analyze movies, both for moments of exceptional craft and for the real life lessons you can take away from them.

There’s a reason Pixar movies make people cry, so I’m especially fond of that series; it has a lot to say about family dynamics, as well as grief and, well… Inside Out, in all its emotional-awareness glory. They also focus episodes on heroes, villains, relationships… they even interview actors, like Karen Gillan! And though television demands a lot more viewing hours to research, they occasionally cover that, too! Specifically such icons as Firefly, and Avatar: The Last Airbender.

I always finish one of their videos with a deeper appreciation of the work, no matter how many times I’ve seen it, and of course I’ve learned a thing or seven about people, too! I’m perpetually delighted by how much knowledge I can gain just by loving stories.


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