Pride Week at the Zoo

“Why do you take so many cat photos?” I asked myself once.
“Because they’re doing something cute.”
“But they’re always doing something cute.”
“That’s why I take so many cat photos.”

This, it turns out, is true for more than just cats, which is how I came out of Brookfield Zoo – somewhere I’ve been more times than I can count – with even more animal photos. In my defense… just look at them!

A brown snake is curled up to form two loops on either side of a stem, easy to mistake for part of the plant amidst the large leaves radiating out from it.
“I am one with the plant and the plant is with me.”
A Pallas's cat is curled up in a crevice so small it has zero free space, about halfway up the rock wall of its enclosure. It is not a small enclosure, nor a short wall.
“I fits, I sits. Even if nobody is sure how I got up here.”
A whole cadre of flamingoes following the wooden path with railings, usually used by humans. They're escorted by a zoo employee in a pink visibility vest as they do a loop of the building before returning to their enclosure.
The flamingoes took full advantage of their parade around The Swamp. Not pictured: one walking right up to us and waiting impatiently for its photo to be taken.

We seem to have had really lucky timing this trip, from start to finish! Happy Pride indeed.


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