Who’s going to win DiXit?

Cassandra and I first played DiXit a couple years ago when we went to a gaming store for International Tabletop day. Silly me… I thought we could stay for an hour or so after lunch and then head home. It was closer to three hours later when we left, having played a variation or two of Fluxx, DiXit, and an assortment of other games. The game quickly made it onto our game shelf, but somehow sat unplayed until recently…. (Mom)

DiXit is an interesting way of describing pictures. On your turn, you play one card from your hand and give it a quick description. For instance, in the  picture shown at the bottom of the page, the clue was “Light.” After you make your description and play your card face down, everybody  else plays the card from their hand that they think best fits the description. You then shuffle all of the cards together and play them all face up.

Next comes the voting. Everybody takes their voting tiles and chooses the one with the number of the space where they think your card is. The numbers of the spaces are written on the side of the score board.

DiXitFinally, we score.* You reveal which card was yours. The scoring is quite possibly the trickiest part of the game. If everyone found your card, than you don’t get any points. If nobody guessed your card, you still don’t get any points. You want some people to figure out which one was yours, but not all, or you will not gain any points for that round. The first person to reach 30 points wins.

I would play this game with my immediate family and convention friends.

Rating: +1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating

* Well, everyone else does. If you look really closely at the picture, there are 3 little painted rabbits. I was the blue, way back on the 4.



I tried a new game today called Fly. My mother bought it in a Kickstarter called Pack O Game. Fly is a very simple game that anyone can learn.

FlyYou use the table tiles to make a 9 by 3 picnic table grid. In the top left corner, you stand the box up next to the grid. Next, place the sky card so that it stands on top of the box. On the table tiles there are little flies. You raise the fly swatter card to a minimum height of the top of the sky card. When you drop the flyswatter, every fly you cover completely you remove to your score pile.  Scoring is based on collecting multiple flies with the same symbols or color.

I enjoyed this game because it is a simple game and does not require logic. The best part is the fact that you could have trouble reading and it doesn’t matter! The only part you need to read is the instructions. I would play this game with my family or my friends.

Rating: +1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating

