World of Warships

World of Warships is an intricate strategy game. You choose which ship you want to play, then click ‘Battle’. You wait in queue until enough people in your rank range also click ‘Battle’, then you get drafted into a randomized battlefield. That’s when the fun begins.World of Warships

You have multiple bars for what speed you want to go at. You turn by pressing A and D, move faster by pressing W, and slower by passing S. You can choose a spot on the map to autopilot to using M, and Shift will let you scroll in. 1 and 2 are different shell types and 3 is torpedoes, if you have them. R is repair, which you use if something is immobilized or a crew member is injured. T is your special skill, if the ship has one. You left click to shoot.

This, like other wargaming games, is a fast-paced, quick decision simulation game. I like the fact that though you shoot stuff, there’s no gore.

This game is fun, interactive, and strategic. It is also historical as the ships are modeled off of genuine ships. I play it with my father, uncle, and older cousin.

Rating:+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating



Gold Ahoy!

Gold Ahoy! is a game my godmother, Marinda, lent us. (Marinda was also mentioned here.) It is really fun and simple, so I’m going to put some role-playing in this post. You have been warned.Gold Ahoy!

Ahoy, Mates! Ye shouldn’t be here! Me hears pirates washed ashore here! Right Boys? Argh!!! Aye, we be thinking ye should leave. Maybe take us with, ay? We don’t much fancy pirates! Hehe.

If ye be staying, let us tell ye our tales of woe. We be shipwrecked here, with only our cutlass and Polly here as company. We be loners in a wide ocean. And we be taking that ship o’ yours, too. What’s that? A contest over the ship? We accept, eh Polly? What it be about?

Oh, finding treasure, eh? That’ll be easy as steering a ship, eh? We be each finding paths to the treasure. Whoever finds the most paths wins, eh? Sounds fun, eh Polly? “Polly want a mango! Polly want a mango!* Aye, Polly, a mango be nice.

Aw, ye won by one chest. We just be waitin’ for the next scurvy seadog to come around. They always do, eh Polly? “Polly want a mango! Polly want a mango!” Aye, Polly, we best get back to our ship and sail home. We get a new ship next time.

In other words, I love this game. It’s simple and doesn’t take very long.

Rating:+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating

* Because Polly doesn’t really want a cracker, aye?


Rally the Warhamsters!

Rally the Warhamsters! Prepare for the greatest race of all time… in Warhamster Rally! Warhamster Rally is a wonderful game involving strategy, luck, and sabotaging the other players.Warhamster Rally

In it, you choose a Dork Tower character. This is your character for the game. Each character has a special power that can be used once. Each space has an arrow on it. Whichever way it’s pointing is the way the Warhamster wants to go. Thus, at the beginning of the turn, you take your card that you chose last round, align it so the arrow on the card matches the one under your character, then move to where it says to go. Your goal is to get to past the Battle Budgie on the far end, cross the Post, then cross the post on the other side behind the other Battle Budgie.

To make a long story short, you drive a giant Warhamster around the board in a mad attempt to win a pointless race! Well, its not pointless. You know what I mean.

I recommend this for geeks who aren’t afraid to get their Warhamster butts kicked.

Rating:+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating


Geek Battle!

Geek Battle is a board game for very intense geeks. In it you have a choice of which character you want to play: Elf wizards, Mutant Robots, Space Heroes, or Brainiac Aliens. It’s really the geeky version of Trivial Pursuit.Geek Battle

Let me give you an example: In normal Trivial Pursuit, the question might be something like, “Who was president during the end of the second World War?”. In Geek Battles, they have questions like, “Weird Al Yankovic won a ‘Best Comedy Recording’ Grammy Award in 1984 for his version of which Michael Jackson song?” (The answer is “Beat it!” which he parodied to “Eat it!”)

In Geek Battle, the questions like the one listed above are used on your normal turn. If you land on a Geek Battle spot, you chose another player to compete with. Then another person reads a card with multiple answers, and both players alternate giving an answer until someone repeats one or says something that isn’t on the answer card. One example of a Geek Battle question is, “Name Monty Python Films.” (The answers are And Now for Something Completely Different, The Holy Grail, Life of Brian, Live at Hollywood Bowl, The Meaning of Life, and Almost the Truth.)

Warning: Not for the faint of heart or short of Geekdom.

Rating:+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating



Foosball is a game involving 22 characters on sticks, a ball, and a lot of fun. In foosball, you have 11 pieces: 1 goalie, 2 defense, 5 centers, and 3 offense. You drop the ball in the middle and kick it, trying to make a goal. It’s like miniature soccer.Foosball

I enjoy this game very much. I received a foosball table for my birthday this year. We’re going to use it at my birthday party as the Chasers/Keepers part of Quidditch. (Yes, I’m having a Harry Potter themed party.)

I have a particular liking for this game and would recommend it for anyone who either enjoys interactive skill games, or likes soccer.

I have found it to be especially wonderful when I’m not feeling well, as I can just stand up, play a round with my dad, and then go sit down again.

Rating:+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating


Shut The Box!

Shut the Box is a traditional English pub game. Unlike some pub games, it is family friendly and unrealistically easy. I marked this as a quick game, but that doesn’t at all describe it. With 2 players, this game takes 3 minutes. It is wonderful to play with your family, because you can sit down and it will fit most time constraints. It is especially great to play when you have a purring cat next to you. (Errr… might have tried that. What can I say? She was sleeping next to our chosen game board.)Shut-the-box

This game works with any amount of players, making it great for parties or being by yourself. In Shut the Box, you roll the dice. Then you flip down any one set of numbers that you can add to make the sum found on your dice. You continue your turn until you cannot flip anything to make that exact sum. Then you add up the remaining numbers. This is your score. You proceed to reset and the next person goes. This process repeats until everyone has gone. Then the person with the lowest score wins. If anyone successfully flips down all the numbers, they shut the box and automatically win the game. Yep, that’s it. The entire game. No, seriously, that’s it. Yep.

This is just one variation of the ways it can be played. See here for more.

Rating: +1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating


Sales in Camden!

Camden is a wonderful game, illustrated by John Kovalic, who might have also illustrated oh, I don’t know… Munchkin? *grins* You’re all business owners with a dream and 10 pounds. No, I don’t mean you’re extremely light. Camden is actually a market area in Britain. Thus I mean the British currency: pounds.Camden

First, chose your colour. I mean color. Or is it colour? Blasted American English against the original English. It’s messing up my spelling! First, there’s player A. Player A is the red token and specializes in clothes sales. Player B is my favourite, and is yellow and selling food. Player C is green, selling a large variety of antiques and random debris. Last is Player D, who is blue and sells comics and books.

Each turn, you will collect income based of the number of entrances to your shop, draw a tile, search for and initiate special effects, place the tile, and then if it meets your fancy, purchase another shop. The first person to reach 50 pounds wins.

Special effects vary, and they’re not always set off. If the letter on the tile matches your player letter, the sign around the letter kicks a special effect into order. The first special effect is basic: Fire. It burns down the largest shop and any shop sharing the tile with it. The second special effect is the Bobby. The police come and empty the largest shop. The final one is the least devastating: Holiday. Every player gets their income’s worth right then and there.

This is a wonderful, reasonably simple game. And has hit my favourites list. Or is it favorite? Or…

Rating:+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating


7th Sea

7th Sea is a Role-Playing Game, or RPG. In RPGs, you make a character, background, and how good they are in what traits. It’s strange and bold, like many gamers, but it’s also an art, in a way. It takes the perfect balance of brawn, wits, finesse, panache, and resolve to make the perfect character.7th Sea character sheet

The perfect character doesn’t mean the fearless, invincible one. The perfect character is the one who’s traits, skills, advantages and disadvantages all fit the center of it all: the story you gave them. Note: when I say this, I don’t mean to say they have to be weak or a coward, I’m merely saying the carrot can’t scare the rabbit. However, I am also saying that the carrot can’t be afraid of the dirt.

I’ve found one way to make a strong character is to start with the background and base everything off of that rock you’ve placed. The moss, the bacteria, the lichen, and even the ants underneath all need the rock. My father, on the other hand, has a certain talent for messing up the GM’s (Game Master’s) plans. He makes his character by making an idea of the character concept, then looking at the traits, skills, advantages and disadvantages. He chooses the species of moss, the type of bacteria, the variety of lichen, and the type of ant. Then he uses those to choose the rock’s shape, size, and color.

Everyone has a different way of making their character. Feel free to comment me yours!


The Concert of a Lifetime!

Last Saturday, I did something phenomenal; something extraordinary; and most importantly: something super geeky! On Saturday, I did something I never thought I would have the pleasure of doing… I went to a live Weird Al concert!Weird Al concert

This was also my first concert that wasn’t Cheshire Moon. Unlike the small events they have, the Weird Al concert had rows upon rows upon rows of people attending. It was, I will admit, a tad intimidating. Just to clarify: I have nothing against the small concerts or the big concerts as they both have their pros and cons.

Weird Al sang a handful of the songs through to the end, but a lot of the concert was medleys of different songs. I would have loved it if he had sung more of the Spider-Man parody of Piano Man. My favorite of the songs that night was by far the one about Anakin Skywalker.

As you see, I had a blast at the Weird Al concert. Did you know Weird Al is weird?


Firefly!… Fluxx?

Do you like the show Firefly? Do you like the card game Fluxx? Then this game is for you: the one and only… Firefly Fluxx!Firefly Fluxx

The Keepers have changed: Instead of Time, and Death, and Chocolate, they have Firefly Keepers: Kaylee Frye and Jayne Cobb. Therefore the Goals are also very different: Instead of Rocket to the Moon, where you need the Rocket and the Moon, they have Goals like The Tam Siblings: you need River Tam and Simon Tam. The New Rules and Actions are similar to the original… they just renamed some of them.

This variation also brings with it a less welcome change: Creepers. Creepers are cards like Reavers. You can’t win with them unless specific conditions say otherwise. There are some Goals that include Creepers as part of the winning criteria… for instance: the Crazy Ivan Maneuver requires Serenity and Reavers. Besides these special Goals, getting rid of a Creeper is particularly difficult.

Rating: +1 to rating+1 to rating+1 to rating+1 mto rating+1 to rating
