Stay Warm!

Folks with cold winters, stay warm. It’s been extremely cold here these past few days (I’m talking ‘two layers of gloves, three jackets’ kind of cold) and it’s important to stay safe out there, especially if you’re going to be outside for extended periods of time.

That said, happy holidays everyone! May this last week of 2022 bring only happy plot twists and benevolent mischief. See you next year!


The Couch Is Comfortable And So Is The Sink

Like I’ve said before, afternoon nap is routine. I’m used to the cats curling up on the couch. By now you’re probably used to my cats curled up on the couch. It’s super cute (and here are more pics to further prove it). What I was not expecting was for Arwen to come curl up in the bathroom sink. Naturally, I have evidence.

Zuko and Diane, curled up in what's effectively a 180 degree rotation of each other with their heads touching. Cute. Pretty normal.
June and Arwen together on the couch, Junes head resting against Arwen's neck as Arwen holds her head up like she's about to start bathing June. Also cute. Also pretty normal.
The white porcelain counter gives way to white and black fur as it dips into the basin. The faucet head is close enough to the back of the sink that Arwen could comfortably be standing in it, if she so desired, but no. She's curled up with her tail on her side and her head resting on the front of the counter, looking tiny and absolutely ridiculous.

Wildberry Lunch and Undying Mint

This is, in fact, another photos post, but I figured it warranted context: we recently found ourselves in downtown Chicago to see The Twenty-Sided Tavern – fantastic show, hilarious and interactive, Mom’s going to post about it so I’ll link to that when she does – and opted to have lunch at Wildberry CafĂ©. These are their Chocolate Vanilla Swirl smoothie and the Banana Coconut Cream Pie crepes. Both were as delicious as they sound/look!

The third picture is our mint refusing to yield to the cold. Persistent, that one.

Update: Mom’s post can be found here.


Mystery Chocolates

I can’t remember which store was carrying them or why they were there, but I somehow wound up with a bag of candy – mostly chocolates – labeled in languages I don’t know how to read. Because I have the fortune of having no known food allergies, this is lots of fun! I’ve tried eleven so far. Of those, here are some of the most notable, along with my observations:

Chocolate coconut thing, not super dense, currently my absolute favorite of the lot. Also one of the few that’s somewhat predictable by the image on the wrapper, so it’s a good, safe bet.
This, my friends, is chocolate stuffed with prunes. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t a mouthful of fruit. Successfully a surprise!
Kind of like a big Kit Kat, but with chocolate cream between the wafer layers. Easily my second favorite.

What about you? Are there any candies/snacks outside the American mainstream that you really like?
