Great news: I got my second Pfizer shot this weekend! As such, I figured now would be a good time to address anyone who hasn’t gotten vaccinated yet and tell them how easy it is. For starters, by this point in the process vax centers are all over the place, and many of them easily findable on sites like which search by zip code to find options near you. I was able to find one maybe ten minutes from my house, and once I had my consent form and registration filled out, it took probably less than twenty minutes — fifteen of which were the wait time after to make sure I had no adverse reaction.
While I can’t speak for the J&J or Moderna vaccines, I can say that my experience with Pfizer has been fairly light on side effects. After the first shot, I was unusually tired that afternoon and my arm was a bit sore the day after; so far, the second shot has had a bit more immediate soreness, but less fatigue. In both cases, I’d say it went pretty well.
If you’d like to watch a humorous rendition of how the vaccine actually works and why it’s important, check out Google Translate Explains the COVID-19 Vaccine. Note: while the human side of the video is reliably informative, heed the warning at the beginning and do not refer to Google Translate for scientific or medical advice. Please.