Deadwood Studios is a brilliant acting game where you can do some minor acting. On your turn you move to another room, or, if you have already taken a role, you can act. If you move into a room you may flip the scene and then chose whether or not you want a role in it.
Once you have a role, you may rehearse, where you earn a token that will remind you of the rehearsal bonus (+1 to your roll for each token), or you could act. When you act, you roll a die. If you roll the number of the scene’s budget or higher (indicated in the upper right of the card), the movie progresses a scene. Otherwise, you receive money (unless you have an “On card” role) and the scene doesn’t continue.
In the end, the person with the highest collection of rank, fame and money wins the game.
I would play this game with my parents and convention friends.