To the Floating Market!

In Floating Market you are Ama’s little grandchildren. The first grandchild to collect 5 different types of fruit wins. Each turn you will have 3 customer meeples Floating Marketwho will do assorted tasks for you.

There are a wide variety of tasks that you can have the meeples do. First of all, you can have them go onto one of the boats that have the fruit. Second of all, you can have them go to the Fruit Stand. The Fruit Stand allows you to take a fruit if one of the boats adjacent to you scores.

You can also send them to the Boatsman.  The Boatsman allows you to retrieve all of your out of play dice that turn only. You can build a Dock, to improve your chance of collect coins. Or perhaps you would like to visit the Artist’s Hut to add a surprise to the Dice Pool. If you please, you may stop in the Temple, to send a Fixed Tile to the Dice Pool. There’s also the Woodworker’s Stall, the North and South Traders, and the famous Tailor. Of course you can’t forget our other 2 friends, the Fishmonger and the Office. And then there’s the Market. You can place meeples on 3 of these places each round.

In addition to the loads and loads of places the meeples can go, you must also place at least 1 of your dice into the Dice Pool. This die will contribute to the roll that decides which boat of fruit scores. Under each boat there is a range of numbers printed on the board.  This range of numbers shows which fruit boat will score depending on what the dice in the Dice Pool roll. If you have a meeple on the boat that scores, you get one of that type of fruit.

I would play this with my family and convention friends.

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