Mystery Chocolates

I can’t remember which store was carrying them or why they were there, but I somehow wound up with a bag of candy – mostly chocolates – labeled in languages I don’t know how to read. Because I have the fortune of having no known food allergies, this is lots of fun! I’ve tried eleven so far. Of those, here are some of the most notable, along with my observations:

Chocolate coconut thing, not super dense, currently my absolute favorite of the lot. Also one of the few that’s somewhat predictable by the image on the wrapper, so it’s a good, safe bet.
This, my friends, is chocolate stuffed with prunes. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t a mouthful of fruit. Successfully a surprise!
Kind of like a big Kit Kat, but with chocolate cream between the wafer layers. Easily my second favorite.

What about you? Are there any candies/snacks outside the American mainstream that you really like?
