Hear My Battle Cry

Have you ever wondered how battles from the American Civil War might have gone differently, were you in command? No? Well, that is a sort of specific thing to wonder. But if you’re wondering now, try the game Battle Cry!

Battle Cry has a number of battles you can play, setting up the board with appropriate troop starting places and terrain tiles for each. The terrains all have slightly different effects — if you move into the woods, for example, that unit can’t battle or move further that turn, but anyone attacking a unit in the woods gets 1 less battle die to attack with.

What are battle dice? Well, let me back up and explain the units, first. There’s infantry, which can move one space per turn and battle; cavalry, which can move three spaces per turn and battle; and artillery, which can move one space per turn or battle. There’s also generals, who can attach themselves to a unit to give the unit an extra battle die when attacking.

So… what are battle dice? Well, when a unit attacks, you roll battle dice to determine how many enemy pieces they hit. Each die has five symbols — infantry, cavalry, artillery, crossed swords, and a flag, with infantry appearing twice. For each roll that matches the enemy unit, you remove one piece. Crossed swords counts as a wild die, and a flag forces the enemy unit to retreat one space back towards their side of the board (or be eliminated, if they have nowhere to run). The amount of dice you roll on an attack is determined by what kind of unit you’re attacking with, and how far away the target is. Cavalry have three battle dice, but can only attack from an adjacent hex. Infantry and artillery have longer ranges, four and five respectively, but decrease in battle dice the further away the enemy is. So, for example, if I used an infantry unit to attack a cavalry unit adjacent to them, I’d get to roll four dice — if, however, the cavalry I was attacking were three hexes away, I’d only get to roll two. The target also has to be within line of sight, which means that a straight line between the centers of the two hexes must be unobstructed by any other units or terrain that would impede it (hills, for example).

The units you can move/battle with (order) on a given turn are determined by cards. How many cards you have in hand depends on the map you’re playing, but in every case you play first, resolve, and then draw at the end of your turn. Cards can have fairly small effects, like “order 1 unit or general on the left flank” (the board is split into two flanks and the center), or significantly larger movements, like how Mom opened our last two games: All Out Assault, which lets you order every unit you have. Yeah, sweet initial draw, right? For the record, I still won the second of those games.

You win the game by being the first player to capture six flags — each unit has one, as does each general, and it’s the last piece of the unit to fall.

Battle Cry is a fun two-player game, balancing the strategy of battle with the luck of the draw and the dice, and providing an accompanying history lesson for each map you play.


New Computers

We’ve all been there. Your old computer is dying, and however much some of you may drag your feet — whether out of loyalty to the computer or to your wallet — you’re going to need a new one. And you know what that means… having to set up all your preferences all over again.

I bring this up now because I myself have just gotten a new laptop, and I was surprised to find that it’s been a lot easier than anticipated. There were, of course, a number of applications to install in the new computer, and if there’s one thing I learned from sorting through files to transfer, it’s that most of what I had saved should’ve been deleted as soon as I was done with it, but on the whole the process was no worse than mildly tedious. Even logging in to all of my usual websites has been easy — my default browser saved all of my passwords to my account, so all I had to do was type out the URL and hit “Log In.”

Overall, I’ve just been really impressed with how smoothly the transition has gone — besides the new computer running better, and the fact that I sometimes accidentally search two or three letter gibberish because I haven’t visited the site enough yet for URL prediction, it’s really easy to forget that I switched computers at all.


One Shot, Two Shot, Old Shot, New Shot

Great news: I got my second Pfizer shot this weekend! As such, I figured now would be a good time to address anyone who hasn’t gotten vaccinated yet and tell them how easy it is. For starters, by this point in the process vax centers are all over the place, and many of them easily findable on sites like Vaccines.gov which search by zip code to find options near you. I was able to find one maybe ten minutes from my house, and once I had my consent form and registration filled out, it took probably less than twenty minutes — fifteen of which were the wait time after to make sure I had no adverse reaction.

While I can’t speak for the J&J or Moderna vaccines, I can say that my experience with Pfizer has been fairly light on side effects. After the first shot, I was unusually tired that afternoon and my arm was a bit sore the day after; so far, the second shot has had a bit more immediate soreness, but less fatigue. In both cases, I’d say it went pretty well.

If you’d like to watch a humorous rendition of how the vaccine actually works and why it’s important, check out Google Translate Explains the COVID-19 Vaccine. Note: while the human side of the video is reliably informative, heed the warning at the beginning and do not refer to Google Translate for scientific or medical advice. Please.
