Exploding Kittens

I know, I know, a little morbid, right? I thought so too, having heard of Exploding Kittens from a friend. It wasn’t until I played it (hesitantly) with another friend, though, that I realized it was quite fun!Exploding Kittens

I enjoy the simplicity of the game mechanics. For the most part, the cards explain everything! I played with the Imploding Kittens expansion pack, which was also very easy to understand. You can defuse an Exploding Kitten if you have a Defuse card. You cannot, however, defuse an Imploding Kitten. It’s an automatic game over card for whoever draws it.

The only cards that didn’t explain themselves were the ones like the Catermelon and the Rainbow-Spewing Cat. These cards are special, because if you have two of them, you can play them and steal a card from anybody.

I also liked the Cone of Shame. If you forgot who’s turn it was, you had to wear the Cone of Shame until someone else forgot or the game ended. The particular set we were playing with had a really cute box, too. Whenever you opened the top, it meowed at you!


The Vlog Brothers

The Vlog Brothers, Hank and John Green, have recently become some of my favorites after Hank did the Hobbit Drinking Medley with Peter Hollens (who I mentioned here). After watching the medley, I clicked to Accio Deathly Hollows, the song that made the Vlog Brothers famous. They have another Harry Potter song, called This Isn’t Hogwarts, that also became a favorite of mine.

They also do a lot of science songs, like The Universe Is Weird, and The Fermi Paradox. And then there is the song We’re All Going To Die, which I’m not sure how to categorize, but it’s hilarious.

The Vlog Brothers also have another channel called Crash Course, where you can take Computer Science, World History, Sociology, Mythology, and more. I look forward to trying all of them.

Hank was also in Titansgrave, a show about a role-playing game GM’d by Wil Wheaton.

Update: I also just found out that Hank is in a YouTube science show called Eons from PBS.



Funway is an arcade/bowling ally/mini-golf putting green/go-kart track/bumper cars arena/bumper boats arena/cafeteria/one-on-one basketball/baseball/soccer/skating rink near us.

Funway - mini-golf and giant PacManFirst off, I’d like to state the obvious: they have a huge variety of options. We went for the mini-golf, but their arcade was pretty impressive, too. They had a very large Pac-Man game (it was about 10′ tall, by my estimation), as well as 3 different types of foosball.

I would note that most likely you want to do their outdoor mini-golf, not their indoor. Despite being the same price, the outdoor mini-golf has 16 holes, whereas the indoor only has 9. This isn’t to say that the indoor wasn’t fun, just that the outdoor gave you more for your money.

You could spend a whole day just playing at Funway. Between all of their games, there is more than enough for everyone to do. I especially want to try their bumper boats.


Let’s build a Treehouse!

Treehouse is another Pyramid Arcade game from Looney Labs. In Treehouse, you have one trio of pyramids each. You also have one in the center. Over the course of the game, you are trying to change your trio to match the trio in the center (or, occasionally, vice versa).Treehouse

I love how simple this game is. There are rules for how you are allowed to move the pieces, but, on principle, the actual gameplay is quick and easy.

That saying, it does take a little while to get acquainted with the movement rules. They are, however, very similar to the other Pyramid Arcade rules.

Because of the many colors of pyramids, we played with light blue trees. This can be amusing, to say that you had ice trees, or trees on fire.
